The first sketches of a few characters created for a jam comic some coworkers and I are working on. It's a fun project more than anything but it'll get me back in the comic groove as well!
The Luca and Masha collaboration.....man did I draw her neck to be so long...it's ok, I bet vampire Luca likes that anyway XP!
So while Babel isn't scheduling me to work *shakes fist* I'll let my creativity leak through since I have a tiny bit of time for now. Sort of.
On another note, I just found the cutest of appartments, so I'll be moving out with http://seanarriola.blogspot.com/ in a little over a week! High ceilings, hardwood floors, lovely area and 2 blocks from the Vendome metro. I adore the area to bits, with little fashion shops all up the street and this huge green park a little walk away.
And my cat <3.
Back to attempting my skills at cmic pencilling now, or doing some more pixe art if i don't get more work haha. Still looking for an art job! Keeping my fingers crossed and trying hard D;!