Well this might be a tad huge to view. This started off as a silly character meme off of DA, but I worked much harder than anticipated on the portraghts, and found it a shame to leave them as is. I'm also having far too much fun colouring each of them differently, so I went and dived in.
The idea was to pick 10 different original characters, completly at random. I have at least a hundred to choose from, so Kelly helped with some XD.
the point for this is for each character to have a colour scheme that matches them and their personality, as well as the background to fit each of their stories. Hopefully it's not too faint for all to see. Pk has splatters, Masha moths (from her percious Luca of course), Daimaru has lotus flowers (for he is the leader of titled clan in the feudal ages), Alice has checkers for wonderland cliche reasons.
I love working around these themes, I always try to incorporate a theme with each character when I do things like this.
I'll keep this updated as it comes along :). The layout is far from done yet, and so are the crops, names, and numbers.
I have tones of lovely pen drawings, but I must scan them in~. Toodles~